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"Cladochaeta is a genus of flowering plants in the daisy family.Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de. 1838. Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, sive, Enumeratio contracta ordinum generum specierumque plantarum huc usque cognitarium, juxta methodi naturalis, normas digesta 6: 245 in LatinTropicos, Cladochaeta DC.Sosnowsky, Dmitrii Ivanovich & Grossheim, Alexander Alfonsovich. 1929. Zhurnal Russkogo Botanicheskogo Obshchestva 14(1): 79–81Anderberg, Arne A. 1991. Opera Botanica Čechica 104: 150 There is only one known species, Cladochaeta candidissima, native to the Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Dagestan). References Category:Monotypic Asteraceae genera Category:Gnaphalieae Category:Flora of the Caucasus "
"Clappia suaedifolia is the sole species in the North American genus of flowering plants in the daisy family, Clappia.Gray, Asa. 1859. Report on the United States and Mexican boundary survey :made under the direction of the secretary of the Interior, Botany 2(1): 93-94Tropicos, Clappia suaedifolia A. Gray Clappia suaedifolia is native to Texas and Tamaulipas. It is a succulent, branching shrub or subshrub up to 30 cm (12 inches) tall. Flower heads are yellow, appearing one at a time, with both ray florets and disc florets.CONABIO. 2009. Catálogo taxonómico de especies de México. 1. In Capital Nat. México. CONABIO, México D.F..Flora of North America, Clappia A. Gray in W. H. EmoryBiota of North America Program 2013 county disstribution map The genus is named for Dr. Asahel Clapp, of New Albany, Indiana. Annotations on the type specimen of Haplopappus nealleyi in the US National Herbarium, on which the genus Stanfieldia and sole species Stanfieldia nealleyi were also based, suggest that these later names may be synonyms of Clappia suaedifolia. Current compilations, however, consider the application of these names to be unresolved. References Category:Tageteae Category:Flora of Texas Category:Flora of Tamaulipas Category:Plants described in 1859 "
"Binding and loosing is originally a Jewish Mishnaic phrase also mentioned in the New Testament, as well as in the Targum. In usage, to bind and to loose simply means to forbid by an indisputable authority and to permit by an indisputable authority. One example of this is Isaiah 58:5-6 which relates proper fasting to loosing the chains of injustice. The poseks had, by virtue of their ordination, the power of deciding disputes relating to Jewish law. Hence, the difference between the two main schools of thought in early classical Judaism were summed up by the phrase the school of Shammai binds; the school of Hillel looses. Theoretically, however, the authority of the poseks proceeded from the Sanhedrin, and there is therefore a Talmudic statement that there were three decisions made by the lower house of judgment (the Sanhedrin) to which the upper house of judgment (the heavenly one) gave its supreme sanction.Massoth, 23b The claim that whatsoever [a disciple] bind[s] or loose[s] on earth shall be bound or loosed in heaven, which the Gospel of Matthew attributes to Jesus, is probably therefore just an adoption of a phrase popular at the time. This is also the meaning of the phrase when it is applied in the text to Simon Peter and the other apostles in particular when they are invested with the power to bind and loose by Christ. This also serves as the scriptural and traditional foundation for the Catholic Church's conception of papal authority, stemming from such an investiture of St. Peter, since, according to Roman Catholic doctrine, the Popes are the Successors of St. Peter. Phrase in context First evidence of binding and loosening Acts chapter 15 expresses the first documented instance of loosening and binding; what has been later termed the Council at Jerusalem. Here the early controversy of circumcision was resolved, and loosened from being a qualification for salvation and acceptance into the community of believers. In the depiction below, we see an appeal to follow what has been revealed by the Holy Spirit, and not what opinions of men would suppose. Four things are bound while one thing is loosened: Controversy still exists today whether the authority to loosen or bind is still in effect, if it passed at some point during the church's early development, or to what extent Gospel and doctrine have been loosened or bound by either the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Protestant and other traditions. References External links *Jewish Encyclopedia: Binding and Loosing *Catholic Encyclopedia: The Pope: "The expressions binding and loosing here employed are derived from the current terminology of the Rabbinic schools. A doctor who declared a thing to be prohibited by the law was said to bind, for thereby he imposed an obligation on the conscience. He who declared it to be lawful was said to loose." Category:Targums Category:Christian terminology Category:Sayings of Jesus Category:Biblical phrases "