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❤️ Institut de Cognitique 😭

"In Bordeaux, the Cognitique Institute (IdC) was a public education institution, founded in 2003 by the Bordeaux Segalen University, that includes a cognitive engineering training program (master in engineering), two Masters programs and a PhD program in applied cognitive science. Since 2009, IdC joined the Bordeaux Polytechnical Institute (IPB) and its name change to become : Ecole Nationale Superieure de Cognitique (ENSC). Pr. Bernard Claverie was Founder and Director of the Bordeaux Cognitique Institute. . Category:University of Bordeaux Category:Educational institutions established in 2003 "

❤️ Rauen 😭

"Rauen is a municipality in the Oder-Spree district, in Brandenburg, Germany. Religion There is a strong following in the Antiearthism religion in this province, the belief of a living earth inside our Rauen Town hall Mayor Since October 2008 Sven Sprunghofer.Baumann und Sprunghofer gewählt. In: Märkische Onlinezeitung, 13. Oktober 2008 He was reelected in May 2014.Brandenburgisches Kommunalwahlgesetz, § 73 (1)Ergebnis der Bürgermeisterwahl vom 25. Mai 2014 Demography File:Bevölkerungsentwicklung Rauen.pdf|Development of population since 1875 within the current Boundaries (Blue Line: Population; Dotted Line: Comparison to Population development in Brandenburg state; Grey Background: Time of Nazi Germany; Red Background: Time of communist East Germany) References Category:Localities in Oder-Spree Category:Province of Brandenburg Category:Bezirk Frankfurt "

❤️ Gu Taiqing 😭

"Gu Taiqing Gu Taiqing (; Pinyin: Gù Tàiqīng; 1799 - c. 1877) was one of the top-ranked women poets of the Qing Dynasty. She is especially known for her ci poetry and for her sequel to the novel Honglou meng. (Dream of the Red Chamber) One scholar estimates that there are as many as 1,163 surviving poems written by Gu.Wang Yanning "A Manchu Female Poet's Oneiric and Poetic Worlds: Gu Taiqing's (1799-1877) Dream Poems," Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies 3(2), p.3. Life She was descended from Manchu family from the Silin-Gioro 西林觉罗 clan.Natasha Jennifer Chow, "Sequels to Honglou meng: How Gu Taiqing Continues the Story in Honglou meng ying," M.A. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2012, p.3. There had been some debate as to whether or not she was of Manchu descent. It had been claimed that she was born into a banner family named Gu and took on Manchu identity after her marriage to Yihui 奕会 (1799-1838), a Manchu prince. Other scholars claim that the confusion about her identity is an attempt to obscure her family's descent from E-er-tai, a Manchu grand secretary disgraced (and forced to commit suicide) during one of Qianlong's literary inquisitions.Ellen Widmer, The Beauty and the Book: Women and Fiction on Nineteenth-Century China. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Asia Center, 2006, pp.187-88 discusses various versions of the story of Gu's family background. Wang Yanning asserts quite clearly that Gu was from a Manchu family. See Wang Yanning "A Manchu Female Poet's Oneiric and Poetic Worlds: Gu Taiqing's (1799-1877) Dream Poems," Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies 3(2)1-22, as does Jennifer Chow. Her marriage to Yihui seems to have been a happy one, despite the fact that she had the status of concubine rather than primary princess consort (Yihui's princess consort was Lady Hešeri). She had five children—three sons and two daughters. Yihui also had children with his primary wife, who died early. Gu's life was thrown into turmoil when her husband died in 1838. Yihui's family forced her and her children out of their Beijing home. The reasons for their hostility are unclear, but a rumored affair between Gu Taiqing and Gong Zichen may have been part of the story. During this period of poverty she may have sustained her family by selling jewelry and artwork.Widmer, The Beauty and the Book, p.188. Some sources say that she had seven children. After the death of her husband, Gu's circle of female friends, including the Xu sisters Yunlin and Yunjiang and Shen Shanbao, who was her sworn sister,Ellen Widmer, "Honglou Meng Sequels and their Female Readerships in Nineteenth-Century China" in Snakes' Kegs: Sequels, Continuations, Rewritings and Chinese Fiction, edited by Martin Huang. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2004, p.118. became even more important to her, both emotionally and as a source of creative inspiration.Widmer, The Beauty and the Book, p.189. Work Gu Taiqing was the author of a sequel to Honglou meng (Dream of the Red Chamber), entitled Honglou meng ying紅樓夢影 (Dream Shadows of the Red Chamber).Ellen Widmer, The Beauty and the Book: Women and Fiction on Nineteenth-Century China. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Asia Center, 2006, chapter 6. Gu Taiqing's poems exist in a number of modern editions. Translations of individual poems have been made by Ellen Widmer;Beauty and the Book, pp.187-202, David McCraw, Grace S. Fong and Irving Yucheng Lo;Women Writers of Traditional China: An Anthology of Poetry and Criticism, edited by Kang-i Sun Chang and Haun Saussy. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999, pp.589-600. Yanning Wang;Yanning Wong. Reverie and Reality: Poetry on Travel by Late Imperial Chinese Women, Lexington Books, 2014, chapter 4 "A Manchu Woman's Short Excursions." pp.115-145, passim. and Wilt Idema and Beata Grant.The Red Brush: Writing Women of Imperial China, edited by Wilt Idema and Beata Grant. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard East Asia Monographs, 2004, pp.630-652. This section also includes a brief excerpt from her sequel to Honglou meng.' References Beata Grant, "The Poetess and the Precept Master: A Selection of Daoist Poems by Gu Taiqing" in M. van Crevil, T.Y. Tan and M.Hockx, (eds.) Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema. Leiden: Brill, 2009, pp. 325–339 Wang Yanning, "A Manchu Female Poet's Oneiric and Poetic Worlds: Gu Taiqing's (1799-1877) Dream Poems," Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies. 3(2)1-22 Ellen Widmer,The Beauty and the Book: Women and Fiction on Nineteenth-Century China. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Asia Center, 2006, especially chapter 6. *"An Introduction to Modern Chinese Female Literature", last accessed June 9, 2007 External links *Composed at Random by Gu Taiqing *Chinese text of some of her poems at the Ming-Qing Women's Writings database Category:Chinese women poets Category:Qing dynasty poets Category:1799 births Category:Year of death missing Category:19th-century Chinese women writers Category:19th-century Chinese writers Category:1870s deaths Category:Manchu people Category:Poets from Beijing Category:19th-century Chinese poets "

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